How to forget Ex

Whenever we do the mistake to select our life partner/boyfriend/girlfriend or when our life partner changes the behavior after a few days or years. We are unable to decide what to do. Because you're addicted to the person but now you don’t like his/her behavior for some reason.

How to forget ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend?, Can’t forget ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend?
Can't forget ex-girlfriend/boyfriend 

Being in relation with each other just because of addiction and fighting for every little thing can destroy both of you. Even if you are not in contact with each other still you are always thinking about him/her then also you are suffering from such a mental state which is not less dangerous than any deadly disease.

Can’t forget ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend?

It’s up to you how you're using your resources. If you're using the resources to make your own loss then you’re the fool. The brain is our more valuable resource. Don’t keep him busy with useless feelings.

You always think about your ex why he/she did this to me. Why did this happen to you or many more? That time you’re wasting your brain power. This can resist your creative thinking and progress.

    Why do we need to forget ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend?

 It’s OK if you have break-up with your partner but if that breakup hearts you for every single second then you need to forget your ex and memory’s related to ex. To move forward it’s important to forget the ex.

 If you are unable to forget ex then the feeling that nourished you when you were in relation the same memories can disturb you.  Disturb mind can’t do anything, focus in life is more important. To concentrate on your life and progress, you must forget your ex. Just remember the lesson from the past. Don’t feel a loser.

   How to forget ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend?

    Replace the task

When you’re away from your loving one your mind always thinks about him/her. Whatever is the reason for the breakup. You might be trying to meet him/her again and you can’t. Exactly that hurts you more?

How to forget ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend
How to forget ex-girlfriend/boyfriend

Some people find another life partner to forget the first one that is the best option to forget the ex. But what if you didn’t get another life partner how can you replace such strong feeling with another one.

Make yourself busy with interesting things initially you will find difficult to focus on anything, but try again and again. Someday you will forget the disturbing thing.
Everything changes with time. Brainwash yourself.

Don’t avoid seeing ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend

Avoiding someone is not a good option to forget someone. How much you try to ignore that much your thinking about him. Just change the image of that person don’t meet or talk with your ex as ex. be friendly, I know it’s quite difficult but not impossible.

Rather I say arrange meetings with your EX once in a quarter but don’t discuss past. Help each other, don’t even think to discuss past. Still, if you want to move away from each other, just pass the good wishes to each other and move.

Learn from your past 

Every failure teaches us a very good lesson and it’s up to you how do you use it in the future. Don’t do the same mistake again in life.  Be careful while choosing your life partner. It's better to wait longer than to marry wrong.

How to choose the better one?

Well, this is the trickier question. We don’t have structured data for a good life partner. And the definition of good life partner changes person to person. Your expectation from the life partner and the response to your expectation can decide the rank of life partner. It's not like that, always another one is wrong. You can be also wrong in your place.

 If you lost the interest in your life partner after a few time then don’t expect the good response from a life partner. If you have changed behavior then you will also get the changed result.

Keep your love flame always warm. Humans get bored to the repeated thing. Bring good changes in your behavior. Improve your relation at every step. Your love must strengthen every day. The bad one can be changed to a good one and a good one can turn into a bad one. You are the driver of your relationship on your path there is no chance to blame anyone for any reason.

After breakup who moves easily boy or girl

Love for money



Boys always criticize girls, and girls always criticize boys. Both complain that we never cheat, but another gender always cheats with us. Boys think that girls are cheaters and girls think that boys are fraud. But actually who cheats and who moves easily after the breakup. The one whose love was not true, the one who can move easily after a breakup are the cheaters. 

Still, if we need to compare between boy and girl then who moves easily or who cheat?

Does gender matter for fraud behavior?

Yes, gender is a more important factor when it comes to promises.  The gender difference is not just due to the physical difference. The mentality of both genders is different from each other. The social position diversity causes them to behave dissimilarly.

Why gender matter for fraud behavior?

Nowadays we might not find any difference between boys and girls still the physical and different mental approaches to the same situation. Differs boy and girls from each other. Gender is indirectly responsible for fraud nature.

The male-female ratio is directly responsible for nature. Whose count is less compare to another gender, moves easily after a breakup because that gender has other options. Suppose the girl's count is less than the boys then the girls will move easily after a breakup.

Culture is also an important factor in the behavior of gender. In a culture where girls don’t have the right to take decisions, girls who belong to such a culture are more likely to be cheaters. Because it's easy to be in love but when the time comes to complete the promises girl have to move away. Later on, she realizes that we can’t be with each other. And the culture where girls don’t have the right to make decisions that culture forces her to take such a decision where she has to move away. On the other side boys don’t care about the culture boys are ready to do anything for their love. Boys grown with less restriction that’s why boys can dare to do anything.

Mentality is the other factor which is responsible for fraud behavior. Girls are shy and show less courage in such case, because girls fear about survival she always thinks like what will happen if we leave home. If her family doesn’t support for relationship. Girls are becoming independent still lot of girls are depending on someone. Dependency for money is the main cause of fear.

Its always said that girl find boy for money and boy find girl for lust. If anyone is unable to fulfill the partner expectation, then one who doesn’t get the expected things from partner can move away. If boy fails to earn money and fails to fulfil her financial requirement then girl will move from the boy easily. And if girl fail to complete his lust then boy can move away easily from girl.

Fear of losing the status is more in girls because still in some region girl faces more problem when she gets rejected after use. When any boy uses her and through her away she need to face more problem. In short if any girl is in relation for few year and she was used for the physical pleasure then she can leave boy. However, in boys having sex with girl is symbol of status. So, boys don’t care about being used for sex. But girls fear of losing the max what can happen with boys is any girl can use him for money and she can fool him. still girl’s losses her character. Girl losses her character in both the cases. That’s why girls are always careful about relationship.

Boy having many girlfriends is known as stud and smart but in case of girl its different. The path where we need to lose lot and where always we are in danger can be left at any time. The path of relation is same for some people and such people can cheat and moves easily after breakup. Because they don’t regret for losing danger path.

The social situation of any gender is responsible for his/her behavior. The one who have more chances to get another partner in life is probably the cheater. The one who have more restriction can’t dare to go against the society and leaves the relation.   


Sleep to success

sleep to success
sleeping girl


Sleep is a state of body and mind. sleep is less understood and more important for life. We all know about sleep is that it is critical for life. If we are unable to take proper sleep we cannot do the regular task properly. Which results failure in everything. To avoid failure and to succeed in life we must know.

What is sleep?

Sleep is not just resting for the body and mind. It is the process where we relax our body, and mind to process the data which we collected in a day. Memory and learning are consolidated in sleep time. During full-day whatever we learn whatever we do that all cannot be stored in memory. The only required data is stored in memory to recall again.

Why do we need sleep?

We can’t eat for the full time of life we need some time to digest the eaten food. Similarly, we just can’t do the work for full life without sleeping. We need time where we can relax our body and when we can process the data. This is required because during that time we are just processing the data. We can’t process the data at the time of learning and while we are busy in all other activities.

How long we need to sleep in a day

The average time for sleep is 4 to 6 Hour but this varies with the person. Factors that lead to change in sleep time are

1)      Sleep time varies with age

Kids use to sleep more time than old persons or elders. While kids are not doing any physical effort and parents are working hard still kids sleep more than parents. This is not due to the time do they have for sleep. Even if the parent will get the time they can’t sleep as much as kids.

sleep to success
sleeping baby

The kids are in a growing state they are collecting more data every day from the surrounding kids learning the meaning of every word. Watching every action understanding their meaning. Learning the language and many more things and this learning process needs more processing time. Mental efforts also play a major role in sleep. That’s why even if we haven’t done any work we are just resting in bed for a full-day still we need to sleep at night.

2)      Sleep time varies with effort.

The effort might be physical or mental both have a significant impact on sleeping time.

With more effort we take more rest or sleep we required.

3)      Quality of sleep

Sleep taken by anyone must be of good quality. Quality of sleep is poor then we may have required more time if it is good then we can wrap up in a few hours. Broken sleep is not of good quality. Sleeping for an hour and waking up and again sleeping for an hour will not provide good quality sleep. The surrounding climate is not suitable for us then we can’t take a deep sleep.

How to increase the quality of sleep

If you want to reduce the time for sleep then you must increase the quality of sleep. Avoid the things which can harm the quality of your sleep.
Don’t sleep with an empty stomach 
Go to sleep after cleaning the body ex. brushing teeth, cleaning face, legs, and hands properly.
Don’t sleep in a too cold or too hot area
Meditate before sleep
The above factor will defiantly improve your sleep quality

What are the effects of not having proper sleep?

Sickness is not only the effect of not having enough sleep.

Poor sleep can result in

Less accuracy in daily routine

Memory loss

Eye problem

Skin problem

Hair loss


Less creative nature

Mood swing

Digestion problem  

The all above problems are sufficient for the failure of everything.

To avoid these problems or risk take proper sleep

Why do we sleep at night? 

sleep to success
sleeping girl at night


Even if we don’t have any work for the day still we prefer to sleep at night because of our body clock. Our body clock is synchronized with nature. That’s why a lot of people are unable to sleep in light. Light means to wake up and darkness means sleep. If you feel lazy in the morning look through the window towards the sky towards the light, which signals our mind to wake up and activates our mind.

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